Blue Ridge Pride Festival 2023 is Saturday
On Saturday, Givens Communities will join in support of Blue Ridge Pride Festival 2023 as a sponsor and participant at the annual event in downtown Asheville at Pack Square Park.
A pillar of Blue Ridge Pride is advocacy on behalf of our aging LGBTQ+ population through a variety of initiatives, including monthly meetings, partnerships and regular lunch and learns.
An important part of Blue Ridge Pride is the contributions of older adults in the LGBTQ+ community. The generation known as “Baby Boomers” have played a crucial role in advancing gay rights, changing social attitudes and advancing tolerance and acceptance. And yet, LGBTQ+ elders are especially vulnerable to discrimination, isolation and uncertainty, even as their health and income decline with age.
Givens Communities is nationally recognized for inclusivity by SAGE USA, an advocacy group for elders who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, and a Sapphire Level sponsor of Blue Ridge Pride Festival 2023.
We are asking team members and residents to join us at the Welcoming WNC Procession at 10 a.m. We’ll meet at the parking lot located at 16 South French Broad Avenue. The procession will begin at 10:30 a.m.