Devon Gray-Hernadez to the (Wildlife) Rescue
Last week, Givens Highland Farms environmental services team member Devon Gray had an extraordinary encounter on the Black Mountain campus.
While going about his duties, Devon noticed an unusual large lump in the grass. Upon closer inspection, he discovered a great horned owl in need of assistance.
Recognizing the importance of seeking professional wildlife care, Devon reached out to Wild for Life. This local non-profit organization specializes in raptor rehabilitation and education in Buncombe County. With the assistance of Brittany Kidd and Mark Norwood on the Givens Highland Farms facilities services team, they ensured the owl was secured safely until Wild for Life staff could pick the owl up.
Following a thorough evaluation, it was determined that the owl was in good health, aside from a sore wing, injured foot, and dehydration. The dedicated team at Wild for Life expects the owl to make a full recovery soon.
“We are thrilled to share that this majestic bird will soon be released back into the wild. Our hope is that it can return to its natural habitat right here at Givens Highland Farms,” said Lori Gasperson, Independent Living Sales and Marketing Admin Assistant. “A heartfelt thank you goes out to Devon and the entire team for their compassion and swift action in helping this beautiful creature.”