From the Pages of Givens Discovery: A Message from Kevin Schwab

Dear Friends,

Last month officially marked the beginning of spring, even though it did not want to show up at times. Yet, with patience and determination, it pushed through winter’s last grasp, and I can sense the upcoming changes. I eagerly anticipate greener fields, warmer air, and revitalized vigor.

We held a leadership retreat in early March to address the significance of value and appreciation, as reported in this newsletter. Everyone has a fundamental need to be respected and cherished. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all the residents who call one of the Givens Communities their home, as well as for your spirit of kindness, volunteerism, wisdom, and generosity.

To all the team members who work within one of the campuses of Givens Communities, I appreciate all you do for our residents and for each other as team members. You individually embody the Mission and Core Values of Caring, Commitment, Courage, and Collaboration, regardless of your area of responsibility or job title. Your work is incredibly essential and significant. It is a privilege to call each of you a colleague.

Another key lesson we’ve learned is that we must Show Up and not just “show up.” Every day, we must Show Up and exhibit passion, integrity, enthusiasm, drive, and intellect at Givens. Just as we want spring to Show Up with warmer days, flowers, and green horizons, we must also Show Up.

“We bring the weather each day.” This implies that we are all highly influenced emotionally by the weather, whether it is bright, overcast, pouring, or snowing. Our attitudes at work, like the weather, have a significant impact on our team members, residents, friends, and family. I am aware it is unlikely to have “sunny” weather every day, but it is a nice reminder to provide the best weather possible each day. We bring the weather.

With gratitude and appreciation,

Kevin Schwab

CEO of Givens Communities

(828) 575-1140
90 Far Horizons Lane, Asheville, NC 28803