Givens Webster Village Receives $10.3 Million HUD Section 202 Award
Givens Communities is excited to announce the HUD Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program awarded $10,318,240 in funding for Givens Webster Village in Jackson County. Funding for this new development of 120 affordable apartment homes for seniors was awarded on Jan. 15. Givens Webster Village was one of only 11 such projects awarded nationwide.
Givens Webster Village is a part of the proposed Webster Village community located at 137 Little Savannah Road, Sylva. The 120 affordable senior apartments will be part of a larger, multi-income residential development on 48 acres to be developed by a partnership between Givens Communities, Mountain Projects, and Western Carolina University, with support from Jackson County’s Office of Economic Development.
Additionally, there are plans to add a childcare center and EMS substation to the larger development of 35 single family homes and 50-85 multi-family apartments for workforce housing. Generous support from the Dogwood Health Trust provided $607,000 for purchase of the property, Jackson County has committed $1,500,000 to the development, and the Southwestern NC HOME Consortium has awarded $350,000 in CBDG funding to the Givens portion of the development and $100,000 to Mountain Projects. The Webster Village partnership envisions an intergenerational community where seniors, children, and families of all income levels live, work, and play together.
Givens Webster Village will serve senior households with incomes at or below 60% of area median income, which currently limit household incomes to $31,800 for one person and $36,360 for two people. The HUD 202 award includes rental subsidy for 60 of the 96 one-bedroom apartments. The building also will have 24 two-bedroom apartments.
When housing providers, municipalities and non-profit partners work together, communities can be created in which older adults are not only healthier, but they thrive through being engaged, overcoming social isolation, rediscovering interests and talents, contributing, learning, and playing. All of this results in increased health which supports seniors in living fully and aging with dignity. Residents will have a wide variety of amenities including a community room with screen porch, food pantry, clinic, raised garden beds, covered pickup and drop off area, library with computers, fitness center, classroom, and tenant storage areas. Staffing will include a Resident Services Coordinator to provide seniors with supportive services for their nutritional, transportation, educational, and health-related needs.
Givens Webster Village’s development cost will exceed $30,000,000. Givens Communities’ next step is to apply for Low Income Housing Tax Credits, which in tandem with this HUD award will cover more than two thirds of the total cost. The remaining funding will be sourced through grants, donations, and loans. Construction is expected to begin in 2026.
Please contact Brian Guengerich, Vice President of Philanthropy, at 828-575-1085 if you’d like to consider a gift to this project, and Andrew Crosson, Givens Communities Project Development Coordinator, at 828-771-6536 if you have additional questions or want to be added to the interest list to live in the planned community.
Givens Communities and Webster Village Partners look forward to creating a vibrant, intergenerational community where seniors can thrive through engagement, connection, and access to supportive services. Together, we are building a future where older adults and families can live healthier, more fulfilling lives.