Golden LEAF Funding Enables Givens Gerber Park to Further Nutrition, Food Needs
The Golden LEAF Board of Directors has awarded $55,000 to Givens Gerber Park to be used to acquire a new van and upfit the van for MANNA Food Bank distribution.
Givens Gerber Park is located in south Asheville and serves low- and middle-income seniors with 262 independent living apartments, a part of the Givens Communities nonprofit organization.
“The Food Distribution Assistance Program is a unique opportunity to enhance and expand the capacity of nonprofits working with our North Carolina food banks to address food insecurity,” said Golden LEAF President, Chief Executive Officer Scott T. Hamilton. “Golden LEAF is proud to partner with the State of North Carolina to leverage this one-time federal funding for a lasting impact across the state.”
The N.C. General Assembly had appropriated $10 million to Golden LEAF for the Food Distribution Assistance Program. This program is funded by federal State Fiscal Recovery Funds through the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Funds may be used for grants to nonprofit organizations to assist organizations in becoming eligible to be partner agencies of a North Carolina food bank or enhancing or expanding the capacity of current partner agencies of North Carolina food banks. The Golden LEAF Board awarded the first round of funding in August and expects to award remaining funds by December 2023.