Careers in Aging Week Explores Opportunities at Givens Communities

March 26 to April 1 is Careers in Aging Week, observed by businesses, clinics, organizations, schools, healthcare providers and others to bring greater awareness and visibility to the wide-ranging career opportunities in the field of senior living.

Givens Communities, a national leader in efforts to expand possibilities for aging, is taking part in Careers in Aging Week as designated by the Gerontological Society of America to highlight the local demand for qualified professionals in a multifaceted field.

Positions typically available at Givens include dining services from chef to dishwasher; a range of healthcare work; environmental services and maintenance; accounting and administrative roles.

Givens Communities has four distinct campuses in Western North Carolina. In addition to providing affordable and market-rate housing to 1,500 residents, outreach and nonprofit partnerships help the nonprofit affect positive change for more than 6,000 people.

To learn about joining nonprofit Givens Communities as a team member, go to or call 828-271-6948.

(828) 575-1140
90 Far Horizons Lane, Asheville, NC 28803