Letter from the Director of Givens Home First

Dear Givens Home First Community,

This time of year is a beautiful reminder of the importance of togetherness, kindness and the spirit of giving. Let’s reflect on the cherished moments we’ve shared throughout 2023.

So far this year, our Home Care team has provided more than 10,000 hours of care to 120 residents across Givens Estates and Givens Highland Farms.

To help bring this to light, we asked a few members of our community to share their thoughts:

  • “Givens has become my family. I love my work… it is fulfilling to discover what our clients need and to simply be their friend.” Sonja, 13-year Caregiver with Givens
  • “Givens Home First helps you retain your dignity, and they become more than professionals, they become family after a while.” Mary Fran Spencer, Givens Highland Farms resident

We welcomed Lisa Constantine as Home Care Operations Director and achieved a major milestone by combining our two Home Care agencies into a single, unified program operating under one license. This consolidation has enhanced our ability to support and empower our community, while also laying strong foundation for future growth.

Our team has nearly doubled, from 20 team members in January to 39 wonderful team members now.

We’ve launched our new Aging in Place Program, led by Julie Moses, supporting our clients with safety assessments and tailored home modifications.

We’ve created a new Community Nurse position for our two Life Plan Communities, with Kimberly Bailey stepping into the new role.

We’ve ventured into the social media realm, with a new website and social media accounts including LinkedInFacebook and Instagram.… and so much more!

As we gather with friends and family, may the laughter shared and the love exchanged fill our hearts with warmth. Let’s appreciate the strength of our bonds, the resilience of our spirits and the support we offer one another.

Wishing you and your loved ones a holiday season filled with love, laughter and wonderful moments of joy. May the coming year bring prosperity, good health and continued opportunities for togetherness.

Warmest regards,

Jessie Bosshard

Givens Home First Executive Director

(828) 575-1140
90 Far Horizons Lane, Asheville, NC 28803